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Integrated C4ISR through Enterprise Integration

Helping the Military Integrate, Innovate and Secure Networks across the Enterprise

White Paper Report Infographics

Although the lives of warfighters and civilians are on the line every day, the military must often use outdated systems to respond to enemies using technology to their full advantage. In a recent survey looking at the military’s top challenges working with traditional C4ISR systems, more than half of military respondents see interoperability across military organizations as a problem that cannot be solved without the true integration and networking of C4ISR. Respondents agree an integrated approach to C4ISR would provide benefits to military organizations in the forms of agile development, security features and enhanced acquisition.

Agile and open C4ISR systems help the military respond quickly to technology changes. These state-of-the-art technology solutions also address key process, budgetary, operational and cultural concerns that impede rapid and effective implementation, upgrades, innovation, integration and situational awareness.