How to Alleviate or Prevent Data Overload

We live in a data-rich world, with more data coming every second of every day. As mentioned in a recent Government Business Council article on the integrity of the future, the amount of data created globally will grow to more than 180 zettabytes by 2025. 

That’s an almost incomprehensible amount of information. 

It makes sense then that there is a significant risk of data overload during marketing planning and strategy research. That is why the team here at Market Connections developed a data and insight-driven solution for the public sector market — a pathway for you to navigate the waters of those tough-to-reach federal and state/local audiences. It’s a study called Marketing for the Public Sector. M4PS for short.

Part one of the M4PS study included over 1,000 federal and state/local government workers. It focuses on their media engagement habits. We got answers regarding:

  • Podcast listener preferences
  • Top concerns for next year
  • Top three sites for social media engagement 

Not only that, we also found key information on:  

  • How much trust federal and state/local government workers have in the information they get from certain sources
  • How much time is spent on an average workday accessing certain media 
  • Top digital sites for getting news/information 
  • Confidence in news sources 
  • Top sites for streaming

Using the data and research from both iterations of the M4PS study will help: 

1 – Increase engagement and reach 
2 – Meet your audience where they seek out their information 
3 – Build up a trusted reputation
4 – Make better informed marketing decisions

Part two: the other half

Part two of M4PS will focus on content marketing tactics, including the current outlook regarding participation in in-person/virtual events as well as media/content format preferences. It will be presented to the public during a breakfast and networking session happening on Wednesday, June 7th at the Archer Hotel in Tysons, and subsequently will be available for purchase on our website. 

Get your hands on the media engagement portion today, and stay tuned for more information on how to secure your ticket to the upcoming event. Reach out to with any questions.