Alliant 3
By Jonathan Sanders, Director, Research, GovExec
In October 2022, the General Services Administration (GSA) issued a draft RFP for Alliant 3, their latest governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) that aims to provide Federal Government agencies with integrated IT solutions services for evolving needs on a global basis.
“GWACs serve as a springboard for small businesses to grow,” said Exodie C. Roe III, Associate Administrator for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.
This contract will allow for the application of technology to meet current and evolving business needs required to satisfy all IT requirements worldwide at any time, fostering a “Anything IT Anywhere” philosophy. This service contract does not have a specific ceiling, and will leverage a self-scoring approach for prospective bidders, which has worked on procurements including OASIS, ASTRO, HCaTS, and Alliant 2.
GSA anticipates that multiple awards shall be made up to a maximum of 60 awards to the highest scoring bidders.
As a restricted GWAC, small businesses are eligible to participate in the solicitation. The average value of each contract under Alliant 2 is $116M.
When asked about the planned features of Alliant 3, GSA mentioned:
- Providing an Unpriced Master Contract (subject to approval)
- Maintaining a Best-in-Class (BIC) solution designation
- Sustaining Standardized Labor Categories (LCATS) and the Prices Paid Portal
- No Master Contract Ceiling (subject to approval)
- Implementing Innovative Environmental and Sustainability Plans
- Enhancing the Customer Experience
- Increased IT Modernization Capabilities
- Performance Standard Improvement
- Provisioning for Regular Open Seasons
- Streamlining Proposal Submissions and Evaluations
- Increased Focus on Small Business through Subcontracting Plans, Performance Standards, and Evaluation Factor
Alliant 3 builds upon the successful Alliant and Alliant 2 GWACs. It is a new unrestricted enterprise GWAC that will have an increased focus on emerging technology, performance based contracting measures, small business subcontracting. It will also have open seasons and an environmental and sustainability plan.
Additional differentiating features in Alliant 3 include:
- Providing an Unpriced Master Contract (subject to approval)
- Eliminating a Master Contract Ceiling (subject to approval)
- Provisioning for Open Seasons opportunities
What this means for you
Alliant 2 received a $25 billion ceiling increase in August, 2022, bringing the total ceiling to a staggering $75 billion. With add ons and efficiencies for the Alliant 3 GWAC underway, one can expect a nominal increase in estimated value. Now is the time to prepare your business to get on the next GWAC.
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Questions? Please reach out to Jonathan Sanders at