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B2G content marketing

Written by Susan Rose, Senior Director, Insights and Content


AI is everywhere. We spend much of our time in the GovExec Insights and Research Group looking at how the government is using it. But how about you and your marketing department? 

AI-enabled B2G content creation is a powerful tool that can help you create personalized and effective content at a fraction of the cost and time it would take without automation. 

Will it replace smart, experienced marketers? No. But it WILL help you get more from your budget.

Examples of where to use AI for B2G content

From creating personalized content to optimizing website design, AI-driven content can be a lifesaver. As I think about its uses in my own marketing and talk to colleagues, I see many ways it can help automate content tasks. Here are some examples:

Generating Personalized Content

AI-powered tools can analyze customer data and generate personalized content tailored to the customer’s individual needs. In B2G marketing, you can take one piece of great content tailored to a Fed Civ audience and use AI to target it to Defense or State and Local audiences. Or you can use AI to change the audience focus, say from C-Suite to procurement. Basically, it can do all the things none of us have time to do, but that elevate marketing campaigns.

  • Reporting and Analysis: This is another area where AI makes our jobs so much easier. It can gather data from different sources and feed it to you in easy-to-understand formats. That means you can easily determine if campaigns are getting the return you want and expect. 
  • Suggesting Keywords and Phrases: AI can suggest keywords and phrases for better search engine rankings. By analyzing customer data, the algorithms can identify the most relevant terms associated with your company and products or services. 
  • Filtering Out Irrelevant Content: AI-powered technologies can filter out irrelevant or outdated content from websites or other digital platforms in order to keep them up-to-date and easy to navigate. This helps ensure your audience is viewing accurate information, which increases trust in your brand. (Content creators, beware though: if something doesn’t feel right to you, it probably isn’t. AI is a fantastic helper and there have been so many improvements, but at the end of the day, you need to fact-check everything.)

5 Best practices for using AI in B2G content creation

When utilizing AI for B2G content development, there are five best practices to follow. 

  1. 1. Create and/or follow an AI policy for your company. This is critical as the policy establishes guidelines for data collection, storage, and usage. It will mitigate risk and ensure ethical AP practices. So before using AI, make sure you know the policies.
  2. 2. It is necessary to understand the restrictions of AI-driven content production. Though AI automates tedious tasks — which can also help you reduce time and money spent — it cannot substitute human creativity or sound judgment. Fact-check any AI-generated material before publishing it publicly. This is particularly essential when working with delicate topics or when making statements about goods or services that could have legal implications if the wrong data is presented.
  3. 3. Set up achievable objectives for each campaign. Focus on particular areas where AI-driven alternatives can provide the most value and create attainable goals that will generate real effects. 
  4. 4. Make use of AI’s capacity to refine content for SEO purposes. By taking advantage of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning models, you can guarantee your material is optimized for search engine rankings.
  5. 5. Construct a feedback mechanism to monitor and modify the process over time. Utilize metrics such as customer satisfaction scores and website traffic to measure the effectiveness of your content creation attempts and adjust your techniques accordingly. With ongoing monitoring and continuous enhancement, you can ensure your AI-driven content projects remain useful and efficient throughout time periods

Final thoughts

I wrote this blog using AI [Bard, to be precise] as an experiment. How much time would I really save? In the end, about 20% of this blog is what Bard generated. I found a LOT of repetition, and a whole bunch of paragraphs that didn’t really say anything. I added some of my own thoughts and deleted paragraphs that were just ridiculous or didn’t add anything useful — and that was about one-third of the original blog. 

And my AI grammar checker had several opinions about usage [QuillBot]. 

However, doing it this way did save me time. More importantly, it gave me a starting point. Editing is always easier than writing. So I consider this a success.

If you want to know exactly what kind of content AI can help you with, get our Marketing for the Public Sector report, Content Marketing Review. The data included is valuable for any public sector marketer, regardless of whether you’re implementing AI.