Content Marketing: Maximize Your Subject Matter Experts
Thursday, April 15th, 2021All government marketers understand the importance of including content in their marketing strategy, but winning government contractors make sure that their content contains the key features their audience is looking for. According to Content Marketing Review: Federal and Beyond, this includes data and research to support their position, product specifications and examples of past performance.…
Questions Every Federal Marketer Should Ask Before A Campaign Launch
Tuesday, March 30th, 2021Increasingly over the past few years, federal marketers have been asked by senior management to prove a positive return on investment on their marketing dollars. In today’s altered landscape, marketers are also faced with having to account for their target audience’s changing work environment and agency priorities. With this in mind, what questions should federal…
Agency Cybersecurity Breaches: How Can Vendors Support?
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021Top Takeaways from the Cybersecurity Webinar According to the recent Market Connections survey of federal IT and security professionals, almost half of federal agencies have been affected by recent cybersecurity breaches; two-thirds of those felt some appreciable impact, and one in ten felt the recent breaches were extreme. At first glance, those numbers may seem…
Where Are Your “Competent Judges?”
Thursday, February 18th, 2021From the Desk of Aaron Heffron, President, Market Connections, Inc. In a recent The Curious Task podcast, Dr. Sandra Peart, Dean and E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond (Go Spiders!) discussed the life and philosophy of John Stuart Mill. As an economics nerd myself,…
Exploring or Expanding?
Tuesday, February 9th, 2021From the Desk of Aaron Heffron, President, Market Connections, Inc. As we fully engage into our 2021 marketing and sales plans, it’s important to know, “are we exploring or expanding?” As we have written about in the past, many areas in the public sector market have reached a certain level of maturity. Many companies now…
Top Five Takeaways from GAIN 2020
Tuesday, December 15th, 2020In its fifth year, Government Marketing University’s GAIN conference pulled together federal marketers, C-level executives at federal agencies, and mainstream marketing experts to share best practices, insights, tools and advice in an effort to educate federal marketers. We pulled together five key takeaways from this year’s virtual conference to share with you. 1. Do your…
VIDEO Q&A with Sarah Kemple of Booz Allen Hamilton
Thursday, December 3rd, 2020On Using the Federal Media & Marketing Study Dashboard for Strategy Development In order to understand how federal marketers are using data from the Federal Media & Marketing Study (FMMS) dashboard first-hand, Market Connections president, Aaron Heffron recently reached out to Sarah Kemple, Director of Brand at Booz Allen Hamilton, a long-time FMMS user, on…
Agency-Based Marketing: Targeting Your Customer on a Deeper Level
Wednesday, October 21st, 2020In our last blog post, Should You Reconsider Your 2021 Federal Media Strategy in Light of COVID?, we touched on how to use agency-based marketing (ABM) for media purchasing when space in general federal publications are limited. Federal marketers are oftentimes challenged with tight budgets and high expectations to produce strong ROIs. Simply, they are…
Should You Reconsider Your 2021 Federal Media Strategy in Light of COVID?
Friday, October 9th, 2020As we begin a new federal new year and the final quarter of the calendar year, many federal marketers are looking at their 2021 federal media strategy and wondering whether tried and true methods will still work in the current environment. This past year, due to forced changes in other areas of federal marketing (i.e.…
Winning Contractor: Verizon Wins Multiple DOL Task-Order Awards Totaling $805.9M Under Mega EIS Contract
Thursday, October 1st, 2020Congratulations to our friends at Verizon for their multi-award win under the Department of Labor’s $50B Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract to provide telecommunications and information technology support services. Transitioning from the Networx contract vehicle that has been in place with the GSA since 2007, the 15-year EIS contract is the GSA’s premiere telecommunications contract. Under…